If you are like me, you have a head full of things to remember but not enough "storage". I find myself going over To-Do Lists (or, better said: Things-that-would-be-nice-to-achieve-at-some-point-in-the-next-ten-years Lists) at the most inopportune times. Like when I am feeding my daughter, Aubrey. Do I have a free hand to write things down? No. Yet I've got silence combined with a task that requires minimal concentration, which allows my mind to freely wander - in and out of the little inlets it has carved over the days, months and years. I sit and think of things - important things, trivial things, things I need to remember. I TELL myself I need to remember, but the moment I put down the baby and walk out of the nursery, my train of thought leaves the station faster than a speeding bullet.
This routine repeatedly occurs - and not just during feeding time, but at any given moment of stillness, inactivity, or semi-consciousness.
So here's to the Blog! You who have been created to keep track of musings, of random thoughts and opinions, things that no one else may care about - but you provide a voice. An outlet. Created for people like me who like to think that what she has to say holds some value - much more to myself than to anyone else.
In closing, if I've happened to catch your attention because you can identify with me wholeheartedly OR you are amused at the level of my craziness OR if nothing I've said has made sense, yet you can't turn away - it's like watching a bad accident!, I invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride that is the imperfections in my everyday life.