5 Minute Friday is hosted by The Gypsy Mama.
On Fridays over here a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.
Today's prompt: Perspective
She's learning every day. Something new. Something that causes another spark to ignite. In that flicker her eyes light up. She's three feet shorter than the rest of us. Looking at life from a different angle. But that doesn't stop her from exploring. From reaching that which seems unattainable. It's all about determination. At her young age, she thinks she's unstoppable. Such a beautiful outlook on life. Wouldn't it be lovely if we all had that view? If we could, for one moment, stop the doubting, the second-guessing, the disbelief. And just... DO. To reach for the stars and be what God wants us to be. And have fun doing it. Running wildly without abandon, our arms and legs flailing wildly about - we would feel free. Running so fast, we might think we could take flight if we just ran a little faster.
Yes, from her perspective, life is good. Life is wonderful. Life is breathtaking. Simple joys and big faith.